Work Experience &
Structured Workplace Learning

Explore a Career in Healthcare with Grampians Health!

Grampians Health is dedicated to inspiring local students to pursue rewarding careers in the healthcare sector. We offer opportunities for Work Experience and Structured Workplace Learning across both clinical and non-clinical settings, helping students gain hands-on experience.

Program Details:

Ballarat, Horsham and Stawell dates
Edenhope dates

Once submitted, the Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN) will review your application. If successful, you’ll be contacted to arrange an interview.

Please note that direct applications are not accepted—all applications must go through the Microsoft Form which can be found on the School to Work portal linked below.

How to apply:

To submit your application:

Structured Workplace Learning:

Grampians Health also accepts Structured Workplace Learning students. Students will undertake Structured Workplace Learning positions in line with their Senior School and VET Certificate training.

All structured workplace positions available are listed on the School to Work Portal

Have questions?

Grampians Health

Polly Britten or Jenny Sheriff
Highlands Local Learning & Employment Network (Ballarat)

Benjamin Bailey-Webb
Central Grampians Local Learning & Employment Network (Stawell + Ararat) +

David Crooks
Wimmera South Mallee Local Learning Employment Network (Horsham, Dimboola + Edenhope) +