Grampians Health
supporting staff wellbeing
13 April 2022
Grampians Health is supporting the wellbeing of staff across all campuses through wellbeing initiatives, supported by the Victorian Government’s Be Well. Be Safe. Healthcare worker wellbeing program.
“Over the past two years we have seen the impacts of a global pandemic on our team members with escalated stress, burnout and exhaustion across our workforce,” said Claire Woods, Interim Chief People Officer. “We’re implementing initiatives that are designed to have a lasting impact and benefit our staff across Grampians Health, to help enhance their resilience and reduce the risk of adverse mental health and trauma-related issues.
“These initiatives have been developed based on feedback from and consultation with our staff, both clinical and non-clinical, and are a prime example of the collaboration we’re seeing through these first phases of Grampians Health.
“For example, Grampians Health Ballarat is implementing a peer support program which takes learnings from the existing program at Grampians Health Horsham, and we are also undertaking mental health first aid training across Grampians Health to provide support for team members at all sites.”
At Grampians Health – Ballarat, the Plant and Fruit programs commenced early April, providing each work area with a plant and also weekly boxes of fresh fruit from Wilson’s Fruit and Vegetables for staff.
The initiatives form part of the Grampians Health staff wellbeing strategy.
Grampians Health – Edenhope’s staff wellbeing initiatives include:
- Purchase of marquee
- Shop local vouchers
- Sun visors for cars
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Supply of morning tea
Grampians Health – Horsham and Dimboola’s staff wellbeing initiatives include:
- Peer support program
- Group counselling sessions
- Dedicated support page for staff
- Improvements to staff tea rooms
- Staff wellbeing strategy
- Mental health first aid training
Grampians Health – Stawell’s staff wellbeing initiatives include:
- Health and wellbeing framework
- This Way Up program
- Mental health first aid training
- Upgrades to cafeteria
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Group and one-on-one sessions
Grampians Health – Ballarat’s staff wellbeing initiatives include:
- Mental health first aid training
- Peer support program
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Staff wellbeing strategy
- Fruit box program
- Improvements to outdoor staff amenities
- Indoor plants for staff areas
- On-site psychological support for acute wards